
This notebook can be downloaded here: DP_steel.ipynb

Dependency of the Young’s modulus to plastic strain in DP steels: a consequence of heterogeneity ?

Authors : Ludovic Charleux, Laurent Tabourot, Emile Roux, Moustapha Issack Farah, Laurent Bizet

DP980 steel tensile test simulation using a compartmentalized model.

Packages and various functions

%load_ext autoreload
%autoreload 2
%matplotlib nbagg
import compmod2 as cp2
import argiope as ag
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import inspect, os, local_settings, scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d as mpl3d
import matplotlib.colors as colors
import matplotlib as mpl
def create_dir(path):
workdir   = "_workdir/"
outputdir = "outputs/"

label   = "RVE"
create_dir(workdir + outputdir)
create_dir(workdir + "reports/")

Model creation

The mode relies on two dedicated packages:

  • CompMod2: compartmentalized model dedicated package.
  • Argiope: FEM data/model management package.

Each parameter of the simulation can be tuned in this section and run into Abaqus.

shape = np.array([10, 10, 10]) # Number of elements in each direction for the RVE
Ne =

def element_map(mesh):
    Element type definition.
    mesh.elements.loc[:, ("type", "solver", "") ] = "C3D8R"
    return mesh

def material_map(mesh):
    Material name definition
    mesh.elements.materials = ["mat{0}".format(i) for i in mesh.elements.index]
    return mesh

def make_dist(k1, k2, l1, l2, w1):
    Double Weibull distribution.
    w2 = 1. - w1
    d1 = cp2.distributions.Weibull(k = k1, l = l1)
    d2 = cp2.distributions.Weibull(k = k2, l = l2)
    dist = cp2.distributions.CompositeDistribution(dists = [d1, d2], weights = [w1, w2])
    return dist

dist = make_dist(k1 = 1.64,    k2 = 3.17,
                 l1 = 4.16e-3, l2 = 3.42e-2,
                 w1 = 8.67e-1)

# Distribution Discretization Procedure (DDP)
xt, x = dist.discretize(Ne, xmax = 1.)

# random compartment element mapping (CEM)
RVE = np.arange(Ne)
np.random.shuffle(RVE) # Random RVE
x = x[RVE]

# Generation of the material of each compartment
E = 213.e3 # Young's modulus (MPa)
nu = .3    # Poisson ratio
materials = [ag.materials.ElasticPerfectlyPlastic(
                                 label = "mat{0}".format(i+1),
                                 young_modulus = E,
                                 poisson_ratio = nu,
                                 yield_stress = x[i] * E) # Spectification of the yield_stress for each compartment
                                 for i in range(Ne)]

# Definition of the laoding path aplly to the RVE
disp_values = np.linspace(0., .1, 10)[1:] # 9 Loading-unloading-reloading cycles
steps = []
for i in range(len(disp_values)):
    steps += [cp2.models.RVEStep(name = "loading{0}".format(i),
                                cx = ("disp", disp_values[i]),
                                field_output_frequency = 100),
             cp2.models.RVEStep(name = "unloading{0}".format(i),
                                cx = ("force", 0.),
                                field_output_frequency = 100),
             cp2.models.RVEStep(name = "reloading{0}".format(i),
                                cx = ("disp", disp_values[i]),
                                field_output_frequency = 100),]

sample = cp2.models.RVESample(shape = shape,
                              element_map = element_map,
                              material_map = material_map)

model  = cp2.models.RVETest(label = label,
                           parts = {"sample":sample},
                           steps = steps,
                           materials = materials,
                           solver = "abaqus",
                           solver_path = local_settings.ABAQUS_PATH,
                           workdir = workdir,
                           verbose = True)

Simulation Execusion

if False: # If True, the simulation will be run in Abaqus. Check before running this cell.
    model.postproc() + label + ".pckl")

Simulation post-processing

All output data

model = ag.utils.load(workdir + label + ".pckl")
data =["history"]
areas dimensions disp energies ... strains stress time volume
A1 A2 A3 L1 L2 L3 U1 U2 U3 We ... E22 E33 LE11 LE22 LE33 S11 S22 S33 t V
0 0.999991 0.999991 0.999991 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.999991
1 0.999935 1.000080 1.000080 1.000111 0.999967 0.999967 0.000111 -0.000033 -0.000033 0.001312 ... -0.000033 -0.000033 0.000111 -0.000033 -0.000033 23.638306 0.0 0.0 0.01 1.000046
2 0.999873 1.000162 1.000162 1.000222 0.999933 0.999933 0.000222 -0.000067 -0.000067 0.005231 ... -0.000067 -0.000067 0.000222 -0.000067 -0.000067 47.157815 0.0 0.0 0.02 1.000095
3 0.999793 1.000226 1.000226 1.000333 0.999900 0.999900 0.000333 -0.000100 -0.000100 0.011713 ... -0.000100 -0.000100 0.000333 -0.000100 -0.000100 70.501260 0.0 0.0 0.03 1.000126
4 0.999727 1.000305 1.000305 1.000444 0.999866 0.999866 0.000444 -0.000134 -0.000134 0.020695 ... -0.000134 -0.000134 0.000444 -0.000134 -0.000134 93.606420 0.0 0.0 0.04 1.000171

5 rows × 33 columns

True strain vs. true stress curve

for i in data.step.s.unique():
    step = data[data.step.s == i]
    color = "rgb"[i%3]
    plt.plot(step.strains.LE11, step.stress.S11, "-" + color,
             label = "step {0}".format(i))
plt.xlabel(r"Tensile True Strain, $\varepsilon$")
plt.ylabel(r"Tensile True Stress, $\sigma$")
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Moduli calculation

base on the protocol described in : Chen, Z., Gandhi, U., Lee, J., Wagoner, R.H., 2016b. Variation and consistency of young’s 15 modulus in steel. J. Mater. Process. Technol. 227, 227–243. (

epsmax epsp mic E1wag E2wag E3wag E4wag Ecwag
7 0.011050 0.006428 1.0 209090.338143 157098.837833 209313.102413 156177.948216 179912.149766
8 0.021979 0.016629 1.0 208178.024244 144962.584673 208781.412172 143510.235925 171676.021204
9 0.032790 0.027000 1.0 207649.990947 137960.719408 208267.703926 136193.294097 166814.630150
10 0.043485 0.037331 1.0 207266.591647 132680.462692 208033.880672 130698.949517 162958.952609
11 0.054067 0.047586 1.0 206973.833463 128381.920661 207970.526822 126304.004381 159688.966127
12 0.064539 0.057776 1.0 206803.623750 125055.502364 207622.096375 123169.620041 157097.918161
13 0.074901 0.067881 1.0 206654.886057 122104.666257 207302.743406 119703.357614 154817.595903
14 0.085158 0.077893 1.0 206524.706443 119377.042277 207092.278577 117499.145023 152742.003026
15 0.095310 0.087811 1.0 206409.660893 116858.180686 206808.821996 114622.127271 150811.872560
def modulus(strain, stress, low, high, order = 1):
    smax = stress.max()
    loc = (stress <= high * smax) & (stress >= low * smax)
    stress = stress[loc]
    strain = strain[loc]
    E = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(strain, stress, order)).deriv(1)(smax)
    return E

steps = data.step.s.unique()
moduli = pd.DataFrame(columns = ["epsmax", "epsp", "mic",
                              "E1wag", "E2wag", "E3wag", "E4wag", ])
trash, nc = moduli.shape
Ncycle = int(len(steps)/3)
for i in range(Ncycle):
    U = data[data.step.s == 3*i+1]
    R = data[data.step.s == 3*i+2]
    Eu = U.strains.LE11.values
    Su = U.stress.S11.values
    Er = R.strains.LE11.values
    Sr = R.stress.S11.values
    moduli.loc[m*nc+i, "mic"] = m
    moduli.loc[m*nc+i, "epsmax"] = Eu.max()
    moduli.loc[m*nc+i, "epsp"]  = Eu.min()
    moduli.loc[m*nc+i, "E1wag"] = modulus(Eu, Su, .7, 1.)
    moduli.loc[m*nc+i, "E2wag"] = modulus(Eu, Su, 0., .4)
    moduli.loc[m*nc+i, "E3wag"] = modulus(Er, Sr, 0., .3)
    moduli.loc[m*nc+i, "E4wag"] = modulus(Er, Sr, .6, 1.)
    moduli.loc[m*nc+i, "Ecwag"] = Su.max() / (Eu.max() - Eu.min())

moduli = moduli.applymap(float)
markers = "osv<*"
colors = "rgbmy"
mod = ["E1wag", "E2wag", "E3wag", "E4wag", "Ecwag"]
fig = plt.figure()
for i in range(len(mod)):
    plt.plot(moduli.epsmax * 100., moduli[mod[i]].values / 1000., markers[i] + "-", label = mod[i])
plt.title("Moduli: Wagoner protocol")
plt.legend(loc = "best")
plt.xlabel("Log. (True) Strain, $LE_{11}$ [%]")
plt.ylabel("Moduli, $E$ [GPa]")
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Deformed RVE state : 3D plot

step_label = "loading8"
frame = -1
field_label = "LE"
component_label = "v11"

fdata =["sample"].mesh.fields_metadata()
fields =["sample"].mesh.fields
F_id = fdata[(fdata.step_label == step_label) & (fdata.label == field_label)].sort_values("frame").index[frame]
F = fields[F_id].data[component_label]
frame frame_value label part position step_label step_num
0 0 0 EE ISAMPLE element loading0 0
1 0 0 LE ISAMPLE element loading0 0
2 0 0 PE ISAMPLE element loading0 0
3 0 0 S ISAMPLE element loading0 0
4 0 0 U ISAMPLE node loading0 0
vertices, emap = model.get_Poly3DCollection(deformed = True,
                                            step_label = step_label,
                                            frame = frame,
                                            displacement_factor = 1.)

collection = mpl3d.art3d.Poly3DCollection(vertices)
collection.set_array(F.loc[emap] * 100)
collection.set_clim(0., 20.)

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1, projection='3d', aspect = "equal")
ax1.set_xlabel(r'loading direction, $\vec x$ axis')
ax1.set_ylabel(r'$\vec y$ axis')
ax1.set_zlabel(r'$\vec z$ axis')
offset = .05
ax1.set_xlim3d(-offset, 1. + offset)
ax1.set_ylim3d(-offset, 1. + offset)
ax1.set_zlim3d(-offset, 1. + offset)
ax1.set_xticks([0, 1])
ax1.set_yticks([0, 1])
ax1.set_zticks([0, 1])
cbar = plt.colorbar(collection)
cbar.set_label(r"True Strain Tensor, $LE_{11}$ [$\%$]")
cbar.set_ticks(np.linspace(0., 20, 6))
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